Student Athletes Face Drug Offenses


If a person from Nebraska has experienced a criminal arrest, they can understandably be nervous about the eventual outcome of the incident. If an arrest takes place in another state, there can be even more concerns as some laws may be different from those in Nebraska. Two college football players from the University of Nebraska have been in this type of situation for the past few months.

In the spring, the two students and athletes were in Florida. An officer stopped the vehicle they were in. Reports indicate that the law enforcement official found two packs with pot in them and the players admitted that the backpacks were theirs. Both men were arrested and charged with drug crimes. One of the men is currently slated to appear in court for his charges that involve possession of not only marijuana but also pot paraphernalia later this summer.

The second athlete has entered into a plea agreement with authorities. In exchange for his participation in a substance treatment program, the criminal charges against him will be dismissed. It is not known how long the treatment program will last. Also unknown is whether or not the school or the athletic program from the University of Nebraska will impose any sanctions on either player.

When a person's future is potentially compromised by a criminal arrest, getting clarity from an attorney about one's defense options may be helpful in determining the right course of action.

Source: Land of 10, "Nebraska WR Stanley Morgan's marijuana possession charge reportedly dropped," Ryan Connors, July 30, 2017
