You and your buddy had stopped into the local convenience store to buy a six pack of beer and various junk foods. You hung around for awhile and then decided to visit your favorite bar and throw back some shots. While there, a friend with a police scanner texted you saying a woman had been assaulted in the convenience store parking lot.
You were horrified, of course, but you continued on with your game of pool until it closing time and then went home. You were in bed until late into the next afternoon.
You awakened to a knock and when you opened the door, there stood an officer. You knew you hadn’t done anything wrong, so you wondered what the visit was all about. He asked if he come in and talk to you for a minute. Knowing you had nothing to fear, you agreed.
That was your first mistake
You are under obligation to ever speak with a cop; and even further, you are under no obligation to let law enforcement into your home. Both those choices just cost you your 4th and 5th amendment protection: To illegal search and seizure and to your right not to incriminate yourself. Anything you said will be used against you.
But, you are thinking, I didn’t do anything. Why should I be concerned? They can’t possibly arrest me for something I didn’t do, right?
In your conversation, you likely admitted to the fact that you were at the scene of the crime. Remember, cops aren’t required to try a case. They are required to investigate, charge a suspect, and turn over their files to the prosecutor. If you admitted you were there—and an eyewitness identifies you as the suspect--you are going to have a lot of explaining to do.
Ten words that can save your future
The United States Constitution guarantees you the right to never testify against yourself. If a cop calls you, comes to your home, approaches you in public or asks you to voluntarily come to the station, your only response should be the following: “My attorney has advised me not to talk to you.”
These ten words are the only statement you should make to law enforcement. Don’t be tempted to be rude or confrontational. For example, do not say “You’re such jerk. Why don’t you go after real criminals?”
Why, you ask? Because just as anything you say can and will be used against you, any statement before you invoke your rights, can and will be used against you. Learn the ten words. Commit them to memory and use them to protect yourself and your future.